Trust. Convenience. Quality care. Aloha.
Joseph Ward, MDDr Ward is board certified in pediatrics and adolescent medicine and is a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. He is a local boy who graduated from Maryknoll High School. He graduated from University of Hawaii at Manoa with honors. Dr. Ward completed his pediatric residency through the University of Hawaii Pediatrics Residency Program. He was elected the chief resident of his class. He also finished with Alpha Omega Alpha honors. This is an award that recognizes and advocates for excellence in scholarship and the highest ideals in the profession of medicine.
Dr Ward works at Shriners Orthopedic Hospital as a pediatric consultant. He has extensive experience in the past working at Kapiolani NICU as a neonatal hospitalist. To our knowledge Dr Ward is the only pediatrician on the island who regularly provides newborn care at all of three of the major hospitals, Castle, Kapiolani and Queens hospitals.